We have had a challenging year and yet God is building His church! The enemy has tried to stop the Church, but we are moving forward on all fronts. Our church is alive and meeting both inside our building and online.
Village View has a strong history of YEAR-END GIVING. Your faith-filled gifts help us close the year strong and fuel the start of the New Year. We believe God has a breakthrough for His Church in 2023 and now is the time to pray and sow for the future. Thank you for loving God and the work of our church!
If you’ve felt God leading you to make a major gift to Village View, this may be the perfect time for you (as always, consult your own tax accountant about your personal tax situation). Thank you for your love, faith, and generosity.
Gifts of Cash & Checks
The most popular way to make a gift is with cash, check, or credit card. To take a deduction for the gift on your 2022 tax return, your gift must be postmarked or received by the church on or before December 31, 2022.
Checks can be mailed to Village View Community Church, Att: Finance Office
8585 SE 147th Pl Summerfield, FL 34491
Cash can be placed in a tithing envelope, marked "year-end giving" and placed in the offering buckets before or after each worship service.
Text to Give text “vvchurch” to 77977, and a link will be sent to your phone.
Give Online through our secure website, click on the button below.
Gifts of Non-Cash Assets
You can also donate certain assets of value to the church, which can be a tax benefit to the donor, including:
Stocks/bonds/mutual funds: You can donate to the church instead of selling it. Contact our accounting office for instructions to transfer the securities to our account.
Important Note:
Please consult your tax adviser before making any major decisions that may have an impact on your tax liability. Also, donating these types of gifts generally takes longer to arrange, so notify your investment advisor right away to make sure your gift can qualify as a 2021 transaction for tax purposes.
The purpose of this publication is only to make you aware of the possibilities that may exist for you to make a donation to Village View Church. This is not to be taken as advice for financial or tax purposes.