Reaching Our World
Village View missions exists to connect us with others as we partner together to build the Kingdom of God. Join us and help make a difference as we share in what God is doing locally, nationally, and around the world.
Dr. Bob and Debbie Harman
Mercy Missions Team / Haiti and Ecuador
Dr. Bob provides opportunities for church members to go and experience the joy of sharing the love of Jesus with third-world countries. The mission groups' focus is to meet physical and spiritual needs. Two medical mission trips are planned for 2021 to Haiti and Ecuador.
Pastor Rashid Masih
Logos International Ministries / Pakistan
The vision of Logos International Ministries is to preach the gospel to unreached and forgotten souls and to plant native language-speaking churches in Pakistan, Nepal, and the Middle East. In addition to church planting and evangelism, ILM fights against poverty and Christian persecution and helps to provide micro-businesses, literacy programs, Bible education, and clean water for the children and families in the villages of Pakistan and Nepal.
Melissa Yonge
Wycliffe Bible Translators
Wycliffe Associates creates tools for new Christians in the believer's heart language so they can learn and understand the Bible. Wycliffe Associates provides resources, technology, training, and support for Bible translation around the world.
Dr. Steven and Karen Masood
Jesus to Muslims / Worldwide
The aim of Jesus to Muslims is to equip Christians in the USA to share their joy of knowing Christ with Muslims. There are at least 12 million, and possibly up to 20 million, Muslims who have made this country their home. Our desire is to help and train Christians to be able to confidently approach Muslims with the true message of Christ. Jesus to Muslims also provides radio programming, books, and leaflets aimed at sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with the Muslim people across the world.
Richard Fields
Helping Hands in Motion / India and Haiti
Helping Hands in Motion has worked assisting locals in building churches in India and Haiti for many years. Their goal is to work through the local pastors and their indigenous church members to meet the needs of their communities, most of which are impoverished economically and spiritually.
Scott Limerick
Compassion International / Haiti, Dominican Republic, Ecuador
Compassion International seeks to improve the education, health, and living conditions for thousands of impoverished children around the world by partnering with local churches in their communities. Child sponsorship provides the children the ability to attend Christian school in a local church and works with parents to assist them in learning ways to provide for their families.