Dear Village View Family,
Our hearts are full of love, joy, and thankfulness as we serve Jesus and His Church together at Village View. Thank you so much for generously giving your time, talents, and treasure for the cause of the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout 2022. Because of your consistent giving, we were able to launch The King’s Academy (our church school with over 100 students) and host Vacation Bible School, serving 325 families in our community. In addition, we distributed over 200 backpacks to families in our community. This fall, our church family reached over 750 people as they attended the Fall Fest. During our Hope for the Holidays outreach, we have been able to fill 500 Shoeboxes, provide a thanksgiving meal for 200 families, and our blessing tree will help provide gifts for needy families in our community and church this Christmas. Thank you for investing in God’s kingdom.
As we journey into our 25th year of ministry at Village View Community Church, we thank God for all He has done through the ministries of Village View. Like you and your own homes, we, as a church family, have home improvement investments that need to be made as our buildings age.
As I announced during the weekend services, we have a roof replacement that needs to be completed, and we would like to do it DEBT FREE. I wanted to share this opportunity with you to see how God will work through us as a church family to supply that need. We have received multiple bids, and after much prayer, we will go with the most cost-effective. Therefore, to meet the cost of replacing the roofs, we will need to gather $250,000 on or before February 28, 2023. This averages out to $150.00 per bundle or $5.00 a shingle; please pray about how many bundles or shingles you can contribute; every bundle or shingle counts.
Ways to give to the roof replacement:
· Click on the “GIVE” button and follow the instructions; in the dropdown menu, select “Roof Replacement.” Mark your envelopes “Roof Replacement” or mail checks to 8585 SE 147th PL Summerfield Fl 34491.
· At this time of year, as many of us consider taking our required minimum distribution (RMD) from our IRAs, you might consider donating a portion of that RMD to the church for the roof replacement. Since the portion you donate is not taxable, this gift can reduce your taxable income. When you contact your Broker, they would need the following information to make the transfer: Fidelity Investments | DCT 0226 | Acct #Z40239435
We love you and pray a blessing over you and your family and look forward to sharing the rest of the year with you as we begin to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
In love and appreciation,
Pastors Marty and Ronda
“In Him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind” John 1:4