Worship Ministry
“Sing to Him a new song; play skillfully and shout for joy!”
-Psalm 33:3
Vocal Team
The Vocal Team leads behind mics during all modern and occasional classic services. A 1-on-1 audition is required. Must be high school age and above, able to hear harmonies and match pitch, and demonstrate both spiritual and musical maturity.
Worship Band
The Worship Band plays during all modern services and is typically a rhythm section including guitars, bass, drums, and keys. However, we occasionally augment with horns and strings. A 1-on-1 audition is required. Must be high school age and above, musically competent in your instrument, and able to play in multiple styles and all keys.
Production Team
Our tech teams serve behind the scenes and utilize technology to help create irresistible environments for our weekend experiences. Areas include audio, video, lighting, lyrics, and staging. Must be high school age and above. Training and shadowing is required.